Stop Puppy Biting

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What's All This About Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters?

Not strictly just about training puppies to not bite but more of a general way of helping to teach young puppies to control themselves around other small creatures. I wrote about Zhu Zhu pets in stock on a web site but then thought about how they may be useful to train my Dogs.

On my Dog blog I mused about the benefits of using a battery run zhu zhu pet hamster to help train my Dogs to not attack small creatures. It actually seemd like quite a good idea, and if you can train young puppies to not bite and attack small creatures it will save a lot of trouble in the future. Buy zhu zhu pets online cheaply and get your puppy used to it just being there without it being turned on. This is relatively easy to do and should not take too long. It is easy to train a puppy to not bite an inanimate object as long as you give a firm "no" command. They should respond fairly quickly.

Using a zhu zhu pet hamster will allow you to familiarise your puppy with small furry creatures and this will be of tremendous help if you have, or are thinking of getting, a hamster or rabbit or something similar.

After a while you can turn on the hamster and begin to train the puppy to not bite the hamster. It will certainly help an awful lot with real animals and as the zhu pets are supposed to be quite real looking it will register with the puppy not to attack such things.

It is very important to catch the puppy at a young age, as, and I am finding this, it is much harder to train older Dogs than it is young ones. Give this a try, although I know it does sound a little odd, and you may find it will be of quite a bit of use. Just don't let the kids know.


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